Week 1: Shifting Your Mindset from Hobby to Business
Get clear on your dreams and desires so you know what you need to do to reach your goals
Identify fears, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy habits, plus create an action plan to move past them
De-clutter your life to make room for massive growth!
Week 2: Deciding on Your Writing Business Model
Make SMART goals for yourself and your business to keep you on track and making consistent progress
Learn to effectively organize your time, so you spend more time writing (and less on the tasks you hate)
Choose a business model and strategy that is authentic and fits your lifestyle and writing goals
Week 3: Identifying Your Ideal Reader
Create a comprehensive ideal reader profile, so you know exactly who you’re talking to!
Learn to use your personal story and experiences to create authentic connections with fans
Get to know real-life examples of your ideal readers, so you can speak to them on an emotional level
Week 4: Implementation Week
Week 5: Deciding on Your Niche
Narrow down your genre and sub-genre, so your readers know exactly what to expect
Identify the gaps in your genre, so you can add your own unique twist!
Learn to become the author to watch in your niche so your potential readers remember you
Week 6: Developing Your Messaging
Discover emotional keywords that resonate with your audience and motivate them to buy
Learn to share your values, story, and personality, so you can earn your readers’ trust
Begin tailoring your social posts to potential readers, so they feel like you’re talking just to them
Week 7: Creating Your Visual Brand
Learn to visually represent yourself and your stories, so your imagery matches the tone of your writing
Compile a visual brand book you can give to graphic designers and get results that appeal to your audience
Create a mood with colors, fonts, and imagery that magnetically attracts your ideal readers!
Week 8: Implementation Week
Week 9: Building Your Audience
Create a freebie that catches your readers’ attention, so they can’t wait to read more!
Build an email sequence that guides future readers from discovering you exist to buying your book
Set up organic systems that grow your email list, so you have control over your communication (take that, algorithm!)
Week 10: Your Social Media Strategy
Develop a dynamic Instagram presence that uses #bookstagram to connect with readers and book reviewers
Learn to use live video to help your readers get to know, like, and trust you, so they will want to support you on your journey
Discover the key to an effective social strategy, so you make more connections with less overwhelm
Week 11: Essential Elements of Your Website
Use step-by-step tutorials to build a website that converts book browsers to buyers and fans
Apply your visual branding strategy to photos, colors, and fonts
Connect your list-building freebie to your website
Week 12: Implementation week
module four
Week 13: Your Signature Product
Identify what makes your book(s) marketable in your genre
Learn to write compelling back cover copy
Get the behind-the-scenes scoop on what makes a best-selling book cover
Week 14: Navigating Traditional Publishing
Learn the role of an agent
Put together effective pitches and proposals
Decide if traditional publishing is the right option for you
Week 15: Exploring Indie and Self-Publishing
Evaluate the pros and cons of indie/self-publishing
See the behind-the-scenes mechanics of creating and launching a book
Decide if indie/self-publishing is right for you and your book genre
Week 16: Implementation Week
Week 17: Creating a Strategic Marketing Plan
Incorporate each previous module to create a customized approach
Make SMART marketing goals for your book(s)
Decide what social media approach is best for you
Week 18: Covering your business backside
Create customized spreadsheets to track income and deductible expenses
Learn how to calculate quarterly taxes for your writing business
Set up an LLC and legal/privacy pages
Weeks 19: Creating Your 90-Day Action Plan
Set SMART goals for yourself and your writing business
Create a to-do list and schedule to take action on your goals
Set up accountability to keep you on track